This page is meant to serve as a comprehensive guide to seeking, 接收, 和 implementing foundation or corporate support. 从最初的接触到最终的决定,整个过程平均需要六个月到一年的时间. 给n the slow-moving nature of the grants, it’s best to start your funding search as early as possible. 开始, 请考虑以下问题,以决定您是应该独立寻求资金还是向CFR请求支持.

Are you seeking less than $15,000 for a program/project?

如果你想要15美元,000 or less in funding from a source that is not centrally managed, we encourage you to use the grant toolkit for support.

Are you seeking more than $15,000 for a program/project?


有一些 centrally managed corporations 和 foundations 只能通过企业和基金会关系来寻求资助, at the request of either the funder’s leadership or the University’s. 这些组织希望资金讨论以机构优先事项为中心, 在大多数情况下, 是否已明确要求资助申请须经会长认可,并经由协进办公室转达. 如果您希望从此列表中的组织寻求资金,请联系CFR团队.



慈善基金会, 企业基金会, 慈善组织致力于特定的使命和议程. 例如,一个基金会可能专注于改善美国的STEM教育.S., another might be interested in promoting educational equality, 另一个可能是投资于实施农村社区可持续医疗保健解决方案. 越来越多地, 基金会还致力于为完成这些使命制定非常具体的战略,甚至制定衡量影响和进展的具体方法——即它们的社会“投资回报”.”


  • 需要. What problem/need will your program/project address? Why is it important, 和 why is it important to address at this time?
  • 方法. How will you address this problem/need? What methods, tools, 和 approaches will you take? What distinguishes your approach from others’ working in this area?
  • 影响. What will be the outcome or impact of the project? 它的影响会在密歇根州立大学丹佛社区,丹佛地铁,全州范围内感受到吗?
    • 谁将从你的工作中受益? What audience will you engage in your project?
    • How will you define 和 evaluate the project’s success?
  • 领导. Who will design, lead, 和 manage the project? 谁将负责这个项目? Will the project require multiple funders?
    • How might you sustain the project after a foundation grant expires?
    • 大学或院校的资源将如何协助这项计划? 你的项目与学校或学院的战略计划有联系吗, 部门, 或部门?

使用 项目资料表  to help answer these questions 和 get feedback from the CFR team. 尽你所能回答每一个问题,CFR可以帮助你解决任何你不确定的问题.


许多资助者要求咨询信(LOI)作为提案过程的第一步. After reviewing the applicant’s LOI, the funder will decide whether they wish to request a full proposal. 审查具体的指导方针,以确定是否要求/需要意向书.

意向书应该简明扼要(2-3页),但要全面地介绍您所确定的需求或问题, 建议的解决方案, 和 your qualifications for implementing that solution. 就像一个完整的提议, an LOI should include an introduction, 所要求的资金数额, a statement of need 和 your proposed solution, a discussion of methodology/activities, 对承担该项目的组织机构和资格的说明, a list of other prospective funders for the project, 和 contact information for the prospective project director.

企业和基金会关系团队可以帮助起草意向书或对您所写的内容提供反馈-请不要犹豫,寻求支持. 请将所有提交的意向书发送给CFR,以便大学进步记录保存.


8月8日开学的第一周,Auraria校园里挤满了学生. 23, 2021.

Following a favorable response to your LOI, or as a first step if an LOI isn’t required, 公司或基金会将需要一份完整的提案,详细说明你正在寻求支持的计划或项目, 包括它的目标, 实施计划, 的潜在影响, 成功的标准, 一个预算, 和 various institutional documents (见授权附件). For a more detailed overview, refer to the 拨款建议大纲拨款建议样本. While most proposals follow a similar structure, some organizations have more specific requirements, which should be carefully reviewed before you draft your proposal.

密歇根州立大学丹佛 Organization Information for Grants, 发现以下, , is another good place to start when seeking a grant. 除了是关于大学重要信息的简明总结, 该文件解决了提案中通常需要的许多机构范围的问题.

慈善支持几乎总是通过大学发展/密歇根州立大学丹佛基金会进行管理,提案需要遵守大学发展和CFR团队的批准和提交程序. 请将您提交的所有提案发送给CFR进行审查和大学进步记录保存. 然而, if there are formal research components to your proposed project/program, 提案需要符合OSRP的批准和提交程序. You can learn more about OSRP’s work 和 how they differ from CFR by 访问他们的网站.


Teacher with a group of university students, in a laboratory classroom. 老师正在考虑一个学生的工作,心情轻松而积极. Other classmates are discussing things with each other. This is a realistic teaching scenario, with c和id expressions. This is a multi-ethnic group of women. 背景中有一块写着数学公式的白板. 所有的女士都戴着身份牌.

Part of the proposal will likely be 一个预算. 的 budget is an important component of a proposal, as it represents a financial picture of the project. 一个精心制作的预算可以大大增加拨款人对你的项目的理解. Depending on the funder’s guidelines, the budget may be a simple one-page statement of projected expenses, 或者整个电子表格, 包括预计的支持和收入,以及解释各项费用或收入的详细说明.

在编制预算时, 请注意基金会要求对所有收到的捐献收取6%的管理费. 包括这个你的预算,确保它不会来自资金分配到另一个费用接待.


除了提案和预算之外,基金会和公司通常还需要各种各样的机构文件. 在很多情况下, 校长或大学高级官员的求职信将被要求与提案一起提交. 皇冠官网网站将起草并获得这些信件的签名,并可提供也可能要求的机构文件.

Please contact the CFR Team for the following documents:

  • W9
  • 990
  • IRS 501(c)3信件
  • 预算
  • 当前的金融
  • 经审计的财务
  • 收入来源
  • 顶级的贡献者
  • 实物礼物
  • 董事会名单
  • 平等机会声明


当一项奖助金申请成功并获得资金时,奖助金后阶段就开始了. Spanning from 接收 a grant agreement to sending a final report, 有效的奖后管理对于确保奖助金的有效使用和使用至关重要, 经常性补助金, successful reapplication in the future. 奖金在15美元以上,000 or those granted by a Centrally Managed Entity, CFR团队的一名成员将会安排一个奖后会议来审查你的奖助金条款和CFR提供的资源来帮助你完成这个过程, including a Post-Award Action Summary 和 Microsoft Planner page.

那些在没有CFR帮助的情况下获得资助并希望获得支持的人,皇冠官网网站鼓励他们浏览CFR奖励后常见问题解答, 发现以下, which addresses many of the common questions covered in post-award meetings.



Zacary Tardiff

Executive Director, Corporate 和 Foundation Relations

(电子邮件保护) 303-605-7742


Corporate 和 Foundation Relations Manager

(电子邮件保护) 303-605-7768



(电子邮件保护) 303-605-3651


Director of Development, Corporate Relations

(电子邮件保护) TBD